
Report no. 94/2013

Conclusion of a frame loan agreement

Pursuant to § 5(1)(3) of the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information provided by issuers of securities and conditions of deeming information required by the regulations of a non-member country equal, the Management Board of EMC Instytut Medyczny SA informs about  concluding, on 2 October 2013,  a frame  loan agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement")  concluded by the Issuer and CareUp B. V. with its registered office in Amsterdam  (hereinafter referred to as "Lender").
It is the intention of the contracting parties  to allow the Borrower to obtain a flexible instrument of debt financing and therefore they have decided to conclude a frame loan agreement, which governs the rights and obligations of Parties if a loan is to be taken out under it.
The amount  borrowed  under the frame loan agreement shall not be higher than PLN 17,000,000 (seventeen million).
The Lender has agreed  that total liabilities under loans entered into under the Agreement were subordinated to liabilities arising out of:
the loan granted by Bank DNB Nord SA (current report no. 90/2011 of 3.08.2011),
the loans granted by Bank Gospodarki Żywnościowej SA (current reports nos.106/2012 and 107/2012 of 31.10.2012 and  36/2013 of 19.04.2013.
Due to the connection  between the the Lender and the the Borrower, interest rates on the loans  have  been set at a market level, i.e., the conditions under which overdraft facilities are granted by commercial banks. The Borrower shall the pay monthly interest calculated on the basis of floating interest rate being a sum of the reference rate WIBOR for one month deposits in PLN of the last but one working day prior to the calendar month in which the loan was drawn and fixed premium amounting to 3.0 pp. The final repayment date for the  loans granted under the Agreement together with interest  is 31 December 2015.
A criterion for a contract to be considered significant: the value of contracts exceeds 10% of the Issuer’s equity capital.