Report no. 82/2013
Nominating candidates for the Supervisory Board
The Management Board of EMC Instytut Medyczny S.A. with its registered office in Wrocław (the "Company") announces that on 19 August 2013 it received a notice from TFI PZU SA ("TFI PZU") representing PZU FIZ Aktywy Niepubliczne BIS2, concerning the intention to appoint Mr. Artur Smolarek and Mr. Michał Wnorowski as the Supervisory Board members of the Company, during the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company to be held on 20 August 2013.
The biographies of candidates along with the candidates’ written consent to the nomination, have been attached to this report, and will also be included in the tab for the General Meeting.
The biographies of candidates
the candidates’ written consent to the nomination