
Report no. 57/2012

Appointment of an entity authorized to audit financial statements

Pursuant to §5 (1) (19) of the Regulation of the Minister of Finances of 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information provided by issuers of securities the Management Board of EMC  Instytut Medyczny SA informs that on 1 June 2012 in accordance with applicable regulations and professional standards the Supervisory Board appointed Ernst & Young Audit sp. z o.o. as the entity authorized to audit the Company’s financial statements.
Ernst & Young Audit Audit sp. z o.o. has been entered on the list of entities entitled to audit financial statements by the resolution of the National Council of Statutory Auditors, entry No. 130. The company has a branch in Wroclaw, at 18/20 Świdnicka St.

The selection of Ernst & Young Audit as  recommended by the Management Board of EMC Instytut Medyczny SA, is also consistent with the resolution of the Audit Committee. The principles that the Supervisory Board has followed  while selecting an entity authorized to audit financial statements, were the bid price, submitted recommendations and ranking among recognized auditors as well as the previous year’s  experience, when the group began working with Ernst & Young Audit sp. z o.o.

The Issuer shall conclude separate contracts with  Ernst & Young Audit sp. z o.o.  for auditing or reviewing  in subsequent periods. It is being planned to concluding a contract for the audit of the consolidated and individual reports for the  first half-year of 2012 and for the fiscal year 2012.