Report no. 55/2013
Notification on reducing the share in the total number of votes at AGM of EMC Instytut Medyczny S.A. below 5%
The Management Board of EMC Instytut Medyczny S.A. informs that on 7 June 2013 it received a notification submitted on 5 June 2013 from ALTUS Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych SA (“ALTUS”) which concerns the decrease in the involvement below 5% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting of EMC Instytut Medyczny S.A.
In the notification submitted pursuant to Art. 69 (1) (2) and Art. 87 (1) (3) (b) of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offering and the Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to the Organized Trading, and on Public Companies, ALTUS Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych SA announced that the involvement of ALTUS-managed funds in the total number of votes at the General Meeting of EMC Instytut Medyczny S.A. has dropped below 5% due to the transaction made on 28 May 2013.
Prior to the change in shareholding, ALTUS-managed investment funds held 571,119 shares and votes. The share in the initial capital was 6.86%, while the share in the total number of votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders was 5.81 %.
Following the change in shareholding , ALTUS-managed investment hold 413,174 shares and votes. The share in the initial capital is 4.96 %, while the share in the total number of votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders is 4.20%.
Legal grounds:
Art. 70 (1) of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offering and Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organized Trading, and on Public Companies.