Report no. 52/2013
Convening Notice For The Annual General Meeting
Pursuant to § 38 of the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information provided by issuers of securities and conditions of deeming information required by the regulations of a non-member country equal, the Management Board of EMC Instytut Medyczny S.A. with its registered office in Wrocław, informs about convening an Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting of of EMC Instytut Medyczny S.A. shall be held on June 25th ,2013 at 3 p.m. in the Company’s office at 144-148 Pilczycka St. in Wrocław.
Pursuant to Art. 395 and Art. 399 of the Code of Commercial Companies, the Management Board of EMC Instytut Medyczny S.A. hereby convenes the Annual General Meeting that shall be held on June 25th ,2013 at 3 p.m. in the Company’s office at 144-148 Pilczycka St. in Wrocław.
The Agenda:
1. Opening the Annual General Meeting.
2. Election of the Chairperson of the Annual General Meeting.
3. Determination of whether the Annual General Meeting has been duly convened and is able to adopt binding resolutions.
4. Election of the Scrutiny Commission.
5. Approval of the agenda.
6. Consideration and adoption of the resolution on the approval of the Company financial statement, consolidated financial statement and the Management Board report on the Company’s operations as well as the Management Board report on the operations of the Group EMC Instytut Medyczny for the financial year 2012.
7. Adoption of the resolution on the allocation of profit for the financial year 2012.
8. Consideration and adoption of the resolution on the approval of the Supervisory Board report on its activity in the financial year 2012.
9. Adoption of resolutions concerning the granting of discharge to the members of the Management Board of the Company from liability in relation to the exercise of their duties in the financial year 2012.
10. Adoption of resolutions concerning the granting of discharge to the members of the Supervisory Board of the Company from liability in relation to the exercise of their duties in the financial year 2012.
11. Closing of the Annual General Meeting.
In addition, the Management Board of the Company informs that:
1. Shareholders or a shareholder whose shareholding amounts to at least 1/20 of the share capital shall have the right to demand that certain matters be included in the agenda of the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. Such a demand should be submitted in writing to the Management Board not later than 21 days before the date of the meeting ( that is until June 4th 2013). The demand may be also submitted in an electronic form: biuro@emc-sa.pl.
The Management Board will announce the amendments to the agenda, introduced at the request of shareholders on the Company’s website (www.emc-sa.pl) immediately, not later than eighteen days before the date of the Annual General Meeting, that is until June 6th 2013.
2. The shareholders or shareholders whose shareholding amounts to at least 1/20 of the share capital shall have the right, days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting, to submit to the Company draft resolutions concerning matters on the agenda of the General Meeting or matters that are to be introduced into the agenda, in writing or by e-mail to the following address: (email: biuro@emc-sa.pl).
3. Each of shareholders may submit draft resolutions concerning the issues included into agenda during the Annual General Meeting.
4. Shareholders shall participate in the Annual General Meeting and exercise their voting rights in person or by proxy.
The power of attorney authorizing to attend a General Meeting of a public company and exercise voting rights may be granted in writing or in an electronic form. Granting a proxy in an electronic form does not require a secure electronic signature verified by a valid qualified certificate.
The shareholder shall notify about the granting of a voting proxy electronically by forwarding a proof of proxy to: biuro@emc-sa.pl.
Proxy voting is performed using the form which will be available on the Company's website (www.emc-sa.pl).
Only persons who are shareholders of the Company at the end of the record date of the Annual General Meeting shall have the right to attend the General Meeting.
The record date of the rights of Shareholders is June 9th , 2013 (sixteen days prior to the Annual General Meeting).
Furthermore, the Management Board informs that the following persons are entitled to participate with voting rights in the Annual General Meeting:
1. Beneficiaries of rights attached to registered shares and interim certificates, as well as the pledgees or usufructuaries who have been granted the right of vote, are entitled to participate in the Annual General Meeting, provided they have been entered into the register of shares on the day of registration of the participation in the Annual General Meeting;
2. Shareholders authorized for bearer shares in the form of documents provided that share certificates are deposited with the company not later than on the day of registration of the participation in the Annual General Meeting and are not collected until the Meeting’s end. Instead of shares, a certificate issued as a proof of submitting the shares obtained from a bank , a notary
public or a brokerage house may be submitted. Such certificates shall specify the numbers of shares certificates and contain a statement that the shares will not be released before the end of the day of registration of the participation in the Annual General Meeting;
3. Shareholders who are the owners of the bearer shares listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, provided that they are shareholders on the day of registration of the participation in the General Meeting pursuant to the list drawn up by Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A. [the National Depository for Securities];
4. Authorized agents or statutory agents of the shareholders mentioned in point 1-3.
Persons referred to hereinabove are required to confirm their right to represent t a Shareholder at the Annual General Meeting in particular by submitting a copy of the National Court Register of the Shareholder, a power of attorney (granted in writing or electronically).
The company recommends that shareholders, within the period between the date of the notice of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and May 21, 2012 apply for a certificate issued to their name confirming the right to participate in the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to the entity keeping the securities account where the shares of the Company are deposited. It is recommended that the shareholders collect the abovementioned certificates confirming their right to participate and take those to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
The Company shall draw up the list of shareholders entitled to participate in the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on the basis of the list submitted to it by the National Depository for Securities (NDS), and drawn up based on the certificates issued to the names of shareholders by entities keeping the securities accounts confirming the right to participate in the General Meeting. Three working days before the date of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in the registered office of the Company the list of shareholders entitled to participate in the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders shall be made available. A shareholder may request that the list of shareholders be sent, free of charge, in an electronic form, to the address provided by the shareholder by sending such a request to: biuro@emc-sa.pl.
The Management Board needs to clarify that it is not possible :
to participate in the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders by means of electronic communication,
to speak at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders by means of electronic communication,
to exercise the voting right by correspondence or by means of electronic communication.
A complete content of the documentation which shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting and draft resolutions as well as the remarks of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of the Company concerning the issues included into the agenda of the Annual General Meeting or issues which are to be included into the agenda prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting will be available at the Company's website - www.emc-sa.pl.
The documentation shall be also available at the Company’s office in Wrocław at 24 Łowiecka St. bldg. H-1.
The Management Board of EMC Instytut Medyczny SA