Report no. 42/2014
Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies- reply to the letter: DNO/WSP/4750/37/1/14/AP
Dear Sir/Madam,
In response to the letter no GPW/DE/W/72/2014 of 6 March 2014, we wish to inform you that Principle IV (10) of the Code of Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies, i.e.:
“IV. Best Practices of Shareholders:
10. A company should enable its shareholders to participate in a General Meeting using electronic communication means through:
1) real-life broadcast of General Meetings;
2) real-time bilateral communication where shareholders may take the floor during a General Meeting from a location other than the General Meeting.”
has not been and shall not be applied due to the very little interest in remote shareholder participation at General Meetings.
Prior to calling a General Meeting of Shareholders, the Issuer shall inform the shareholders that it is not possible:
to participate in the General Meeting of Shareholders by means of electronic communication,
to speak at the General Meeting of Shareholders by means of electronic communication,
to exercise the voting right by correspondence or by means of electronic communication.
However, the Issuer ensures that a complete content of the documentation that shall be presented to the General Meeting and draft resolutions as well as the remarks of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of the Company concerning the issues included into the agenda of the General Meeting or issues which are to be included into the agenda prior to the date of the General Meeting, will be available at the Company's website– www.emc-sa.pl.
As the participation in the General Meeting by means of electronic communication has been popularised, and ,above all, it will be possible to provide adequate security for its users, the Issuer will consider introducing this procedure.
The Issuer aims to enhance transparency of the Company's affairs and external relations, in particular with the existing and prospective shareholders of the Company, by complying to the principles of corporate governance.
In addition, after reviewing possible applications of all of Best Practices, The Management Board of EMC Instytut Medyczny SA with its registered office in Wrocław indicates that the section of " the Code of Best Practice of WSE Listed Companies", adopted in a Resolution No. 19/1307/2012 of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Supervisory Board dated 21 November 2012 r No. II. 1(1), (2)(a), namely:
"II. Best Practice for Management Boards of Listed Companies:
Principle 1. (1)(2)(a) :
A company should operate a corporate website and publish on it, (...) on an annual basis, in the fourth quarter – information about the participation of women and men respectively in the Management Board and in the Supervisory Board of the company in the last two years”
is not applicable for the company.
EMC Instytut Medyczny SA operates a corporate website where it publishes information on the the members of its governing bodies including their professional CVs in compliance with the Code of Best Practice. Information about the participation of women and men respectively in the above bodies of the Company is not made public.
According to the Company, in connection with low fluctuation and a small number of bodies members, the above data is sufficient.
Yours sincerely,
President of the Management Board
Piotr Gerber