Report no. 15/2012
Application for supplementary financing for the investment project in Katowice - the expansion of John Paul II Geriatric Hospital - Aging Prevention Centre- Research and Development Centre
The Management Board EMC Medical Institute SA informs that, in connection with the planned expansion of the the John Paul II Geriatric Hospital in Katowice owned by a subsidiary company of EMC Silesia sp. z o.o. and plans to create an Ageing Prevention Centre - a Research and Development Centre, the Management Board of EMC Silesia Sp. z o.o. submitted ,on January 27, an application for supplementary financing for the project under the Operational Programme 'Innovative economy' implemented by the Ministry of Economy Sub-measure 4.5.2."Support for investment in modern services sector." The proposed financing is 40%, PLN that is 3.3 million. The entire project is estimated at PLN 8.4 million.
The Issuer informed about the investment and events related to the planned investment in its current reports nos. 9/2012 of 01.25.2012, and 2/2009 of 01.08.2009.