Report no. 115/2011
The rescheduling of the Public Offering of Series G Shares
The Management Board of EMC Medical Institute SA ("the Company", " the Issuer") announces that on 30 November 2011 an updating statement No. 3 was passed to the Prospectus of the Issuer approved by the Financial Supervision Authority on 5 October 2011. Pursuant to the updating statement No. 3 changes in the schedule of public offering of Series G shares have been presented in the Annex.
the Annex:
This updating statement has been made in relation to the update schedule of
Public Offering of Series G Shares. References to the pages refer to the contents of the Prospectus published on October 7, 2011, and stated on the website: http://www.emc-sa.pl/
and www.bossa.pl.
pages and points in the Prospectus p. 19 (1.13)
p. 243 (
May 4, 2010 The date of setting pre-emptive rights
October 7, 2011 - immediately after approval of the Prospectus The opening of the Public Offering of Series G Shares -Publication of the Company’s Prospectus
3 -17 November 2011 The acceptance of subscriptions for Series E shares not covered under the Primary Supplementary Subscriptions in the exercise of the preemptive rights
November 28, 2011 The allocation of the Offered Shares under the the preemptive rights
November 28, 2011 The closing of Public Offering (if in the
implementation of the the preemptive rights all Series G Shares have been subscribed)
29 -30 November 2011 The accepting of subscriptions for the Offered Shares not covered under the preemptive right
December 1, 2011 The allocation of the Offered Shares not covered in the course of the preemptive rights
December 1, 2011 The closing of Public Offering of Series G Shares
General premises and framework dates for listing commencement of preemptive rights on the Warsaw Stock Exchange are specified in the Detailed Stock Trading Regulations and the Stock Exchange Regulations. Dates of preemptive right listing are determined and made public through the statement of the Management of the Stock Exchange.
May 4, 2011 The date of setting the preemptive right
October 7, 2011 - immediately after the approval of the Prospectus The opening of the Public Offering of Series G Shares -Publication of Prospectus of the Company
December 2, 2011 The publication of the issue price
5 -16 December, 2011 The listing of preemptive rights
7 - 21 December 2011 The acceptance of subscriptions for Series E shares not covered under the Primary Supplementary Subscriptions in the exercise of the preemptive rights
January 3,2012 The allocation of the Offered Shares under the the preemptive rights
January 4,2012 The closing of Public Offering (if in the implementation of the the preemptive rights all Series G Shares have been subscribed)
5-13 January The acceptance of subscriptions for the Offered Shares not covered under the preemptive right
January 16, 2012 The allocation of the Offered Shares not covered in the course of the preemptive rights
January 16, 2012 The closing of Public Offering of Series G Shares