Report 8/2021
The sale of an organized part of the Issuer's enterprise – St’ George’s Hospital in Kamień Pomorski
The Management Board of EMC Instyut Medyczny S.A. (hereinafter the "Issuer", "Company") announces that on February 23, 2021, the Issuer concluded with a company under the name Szpital in Kamień Sp. z o.o., which is a sole proprietorship of the Kamień District, a contract for the sale of an organized part of the Issuer's enterprise, i.e. the St. George’s Hospital in Kamień Pomorski, at the price of PLN 1.00 (say: one zloty 00/100).
In Report No. 25/2019 of October 10, 2019, the Management Board of EMC InstytutMedyczny S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") announced that negotiations with the Staroste of the Kamień Pomorski District had started in order to determine the conditions of possible sale to the Kamień District of an organized part of the Issuer's enterprise, i.e. St. George’s Hospital in Kamień Pomorski, at a token price. In Report no 5/2020 of February 7, 2020 the issuer announce that if the negotiations had not led to an agreement between the Company and the Kamień Pomorski District, District that the Hospital would have been liquidated after being closed down on March 31, 2020 as well as repeating the offer to sell the organized part of Issuer's enterprises i.e. St. George’s Hospital in Kamień Pomorski, at a token price to the Kamień District.
In Report No. 20/2020 of October 28, 2020, the Issuer informed about plans to wind up St. George’s Hospital in Kamień Pomorski due to the failure to reach an agreement with the Kamień District. In Report No. 28/2020 of December 22, 2020, the Issuer informed about a deadline for concluding a sale agreement of the St. George’s Hospital in Kamień Pomorski until March 1, 2021.
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