Report 22/2019
Appointing a Management Board Member
The Management Board of EMC Instytut Medyczny SA (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Issuer’, ‘the Company’) announces that Dariusz Chowaiec has been appointed as a Member of the Management Board of EMC Instytut Medyczny SA and nominated to serve as a Vice-President of the Management Board by the Supervisory Board Meeting that was held on 4 September 2019. The appointment is effective immediately.
In accordance with the submitted statement, Dariusz Chowaniec does engage in competitive business serving as Management Board Member for other Care Up B.V. capital group companies such as Private Clinic Certus Sp. z o.o., Art Medicum Sp. z o.o. and Private Health Care Center „Zdrowie Rodziny”Sp. z o.o., however he does not participate in competitive entities as a partner in a civil law partnership, or a member of the authorities of a company, or participate in any competitive legal entity as a member of its authority neither , has been entered into the Register of Insolvent Debtors kept pursuant to the National Court Register Act. Dariusz Chowaniec has gained the consent of the Supervisory Board to serve as a member of the management board of the following competing companies: Private Clinic Certus Sp. z o.o., Art Medicum Sp. z o.o. and Private Health Care Center „Zdrowie Rodziny”Sp. z o.o.,
As a Vice-President of the Issuer's Management Board, Dariusz Chowaniec will be in charge of investments.
Dariusz Chowaniec (born in 1976) obtained a master's degree in management and marketing from the Lódz University of Technology. He is a manager with 19 years of experience in sales and operations management, gained in companies which are ranked among the largest enterprises in Poland, such as: Dr. Max, DOZ S.A., Fiat Chrysler or Tesco. In his career he has sat on the boards of directors of over 100 companies, including state-owned companies. He specializes in building and managing multi-person sales teams, optimizing cost, maintaining relationships with key company stakeholders, as well as restructuring and integration in M&A processes.
As a manager, he has been responsible for preparing the company's development strategy, business management and developing acquisition plans, restructuring and integrating the acquired facilities.
Legal grounds:
§ 5 (5) in relation to § 5 (10) of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of March 29, 2018 on Current and Periodic Information Provided by Issuers of Securities and Conditions of Deeming Information Required by the Regulations of a Non-Member Country Equal.